Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Winter Storm Hits Smiling Dog Farms

When I woke up this morning, I had to check to make sure I wasn't back in Pennsylvania! Boy, was it cold!
Normally, our overnight lows are in the 60s. We think it is cold when it drops into the 50s around here. So you can imagine everyone's shock today when it dropped into the low 40s and high 30s!
The smaller dogs and the older dogs and the dogs who might be adversely affected by the cold came inside. They stacked crates from floor to ceiling all over the house, so everyone could spend the night inside where it was warm!
All the team members at the farm were working overtime today to make sure that everyone was tucked in, snug and warm.
I heard Ricky and Jay saying that it has never been this cold since Smiling Dog Farms moved to Texas! The weather report is calling for bitter cold again tomorrow and Thursday, then slowly getting back to normal for the weekend.
Wednesday will be in the 40s and then Thursday will creep up into the 50s and by Saturday it is supposed to be in the 70s again.
Today was actually the worst. In the early morning, we not only had cold but strong, gusting winds. My friends Oreo, and Lyndon Baines, and Anastasia each had the roof blown off their cottage! Ricky and his team members were out in the yards, putting roofing back on houses!
However, not a single one of the new townhomes were affected by the gusting winds! Ricky and Jay were proud that the new construction is so much stronger than the old.
We will all be glad when it warms up again and things get back to normal!

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